Sunday, November 8, 2009

budaya politik di indonesia


1. Industrial democratic society
  • participation in this system reaches - 60% which is the political activists of the political and critical. discuss the issues to the public and to government.

2. Community authoritarian political system

  • participant groups and organizations such as: students, intellectuals.
  • Dear group, such as: businessman philanthropist.
  • most people only as a passive subject, admitted that the government and submit to him but did not involve himself from the government.

3. Society democratic system praindustrial
  • in this system most citizens hold their parochial political culture of life in rural areas very few participants.
  1. With a democratic culture of the people is the subject of government and subject to the sovereignty.
  2. Democracy is embraced by the state in Indonesia is a democratic basis of Pancasila as the state or the Pancasila state ideology.
  3. Pancasila democracy ensures that people have the same rights to self-determination.

kinds of political culture in Indonesia

1. parochial political culture
  • other than education level is still low, also lives in the countryside and primitive. uphold their more customary role in the community that developed it.

2. Karla political culture
  • they do whatever the government policy decision easy, because the premises of the belief that government decisions were always right and does not deserve the change or in the.
  • Principles they only hear, receive, execute. this is the possible occur, because of the attitude of the government detaktor.

3. participant political culture
  • They argued that in any decision-making, governments must follow include the voice of the people. so that it can represent what the will of the people.

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