Sunday, November 8, 2009

budaya politik di indonesia


1. Industrial democratic society
  • participation in this system reaches - 60% which is the political activists of the political and critical. discuss the issues to the public and to government.

2. Community authoritarian political system

  • participant groups and organizations such as: students, intellectuals.
  • Dear group, such as: businessman philanthropist.
  • most people only as a passive subject, admitted that the government and submit to him but did not involve himself from the government.

3. Society democratic system praindustrial
  • in this system most citizens hold their parochial political culture of life in rural areas very few participants.
  1. With a democratic culture of the people is the subject of government and subject to the sovereignty.
  2. Democracy is embraced by the state in Indonesia is a democratic basis of Pancasila as the state or the Pancasila state ideology.
  3. Pancasila democracy ensures that people have the same rights to self-determination.

kinds of political culture in Indonesia

1. parochial political culture
  • other than education level is still low, also lives in the countryside and primitive. uphold their more customary role in the community that developed it.

2. Karla political culture
  • they do whatever the government policy decision easy, because the premises of the belief that government decisions were always right and does not deserve the change or in the.
  • Principles they only hear, receive, execute. this is the possible occur, because of the attitude of the government detaktor.

3. participant political culture
  • They argued that in any decision-making, governments must follow include the voice of the people. so that it can represent what the will of the people.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Competence Village

Competence Village

1. Using the sentence verbally asked in the context of work.


use appropriate questions to the topic of reading to explore the information politely example =
  • How can the origin of the earthquake in West Sumatra in the last month.
The word is often used only a
  • Whether.
  • When is.
  • What.
Ask questions that require answers yes, or no, for example, to establish understanding (classification), asking for certainty (confirmation) examples:

2. Using rhetorical question by applying the concept of rhetorical sentence. The sentence is the sentence rhetorically asked questions that do not require an answer, for example:
  • Who is in this class do not want to take the class?
3. Ask questions with the phrase subtly asked for purposes other than to ask such as begging, asking, taunting, surrender, accept, deny and ask.

Subject Matter.
  • The concept of public said the sentence
  • Concepts and features of rhetorical sentences
  • The impact of the use of rhetorical sentence
  • Concepts and models obscure sentence
  • Sentence disguised in everyday life
  • Articles that contain the phrase Rag an asked
Learning Activities
  • Read the text Ange themed environment
  • Grouping said form
  • Register the words that have the potential to have synonyms and antonyms
  • Identify words
  • Identify words, phrases, sentences or form new words that need to be in polkaing.

K3 (Health, Safety and Security Work)

K3 (Health, Safety and Security Work)

K3 given to students considering the importance of this issue because students are candidates in the workforce can expect to accomplish K3 where he is working.

1. Health

Health work is part of the health sciences as elements of the support of the existence of soul and body and a healthy work environment.

Health includes physical and spiritual health.

Physical and spiritual health are related primarily to the spiritual health is influenced to physical health.

2. Work safety

Safety is part of the application of science as supporting elements of an employee to survive when she was working and after work supporting elements of industrial safety as follows:

  • The existence of elements of security and health.
  • Maintaining an awareness of workplace safety and health.
  • Conscientious work.
  • Working procedures with respect to safety and health.

3. Job security

Job security is the supporting elements that support the creation of aching atmosphere, both of material and non material elements that support the job security of a material such as:

  • Work clothes, helmets, goggles and gloves.
    Unsure of security supporting the non material are:
    Book bookmark, directions, signs and Iscariot language.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


a motor bike and a very knowledgeable ... he said?

children who are relaxed 2Tpm ...

places that should not in use by motor ...

image class to the south which is very good .... wakak ...!!!

alley to the classes in the use by many students ...

a very high tower in the school have, and very good ... wakak ...!!!

page photo of the flag ceremony on the school level ...

south of the school a good ... wakak ...!!!

front of the school gate, where students at the school and leave school ...

the only mosque that is in school ...

photo pages from the school east of ...

workshop where I and my friends practice ...

lathe that we all use, because we are all children tekhnik machinery (TPM) ..

the only place a small room in the school ....

on the front page where there is a very good basketball, ring the northern ...

ring behind the basket to the south have a new class in the new building ...

our practice to make a hammer ...

photo from the back of the school ...

the practice of electrical las ...

alley to the middle school page ....

computer room school ....

Friday, July 31, 2009


me and my friend 2Tpm ...

school should have a mosque ...

time hours in the empty school. action that must be done in 2Tpm is talked ...

the sons of 2Tpm in the school ... (the association wilangan)

children is being discussed ....

in the class also have the transaction helmet ...

What will the children do 2Tpm the fence is?
a. jump
b. milihat-see
c. can not go down

d. less work

2Tpm children are learning and there is no way to gather in the place and the motor sepedah south school ...

photo from the front of the mosque, school ...

photo a very small garden on the front of the school ...

gaul in the motor have a child by 2Tpm ....

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